My dear friend Sarah passed this award on to me. I'm thrilled! This is my first one! Sarah is an amazing artist that inspires me all of the time. She has always included me in things that she thought may move me forward & that has been an amazing gift because it has moved me forward. I love that! I value her advice, adore her energy & sweet spirit & I'm honored to know her. She lives right here in the same town too! We've had coffee. How cool is that? Thank you Sarah for thinking of me & passing on this award! Ok, so here's the 7 things that I love:
1. My husband Tony. He has been amazing! I was diagnosed with CFS/FM soon after we were married...so he's had to be my caretaker as well. Things were rough. No matter what happened, he loved me through it & saw the person that was inside of me...not the 'sick' me. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. He believed in me so much he converted our garage into my studio. He's my superhero ;) Now that I am doing MUCH better, he's getting used to having hobbies & interests again! LOL
2. My daughter. She is the light in my life. Watching her grow up has been a beautiful thing. I'm so proud of her! She's so smart & I could brag about her all day. She reminds me of what it is to be young & fearless & of all the possibilities waiting just around the corner.
3.My parents. They've helped me/us through the dark times of the CFS/FM. Many times they helped with my daughter when I couldn't. My dad, always cheering me on & believing in me. Anything that may help my recovery to health, my dad has been right there saying don't worry about the cost. He says health first, then art. My mom just listening to me when things were hard.
4. My friends. I know some of the most amazing people & I'm honored & thrilled that they are my friends. I've had many an adventure with friends & gatherings are never dull! Pirate parties, Witch's tea parties, & Fairy parties just because, Sister Sunday brunch, Drumming circles, Chinese New Year, & don't forget Halloween! My life is never dull! They've been there to celebrate all the big stuff in my life. They've come to anything that has to do with my art & been so excited about it that I felt like a rock star! LOL
5. Autumn. There's a vibe, a feeling that goes with Autumn. For me it actually starts in the Summer. One day there's a Summer vibe...then out of the blue it feels like something shifts & changes...the energy is a bit different...something is in the air, the light changes a bit, even though the calendar says it's still Summer. I love that feeling & I hold on to it as long as I can.
6. Halloween. Seriously, I'm not even kidding here. I have 6 large tubs of Halloween stuff. That does not count the things in my collection that I love so much they are tucked here & there around the house. My witch dolls sit on the bed in our guest bedroom & my crows are still up. My corner cabinet is full of my favs. The haunted house Tony built me is still out, but it's too cool to put away. I have a big Halloween party every year. The house goes through quite the transformation! It's like magic!
7. Vintage clothes. I have quite the colleciton! Lots of black & velvet, lace & jewelry. I don't get to wear them all the time, but they are just to beautiful to not have! How else do you think I end up with such a cool Halloween outfit? I have a collection of kimonos & vintage bathrobes too. I just have a knack for finding them at the thrift store & they are gorgeous! It's kinda like someone put them there just for me!
Ok, well to pass this on:
Sarah, back attcha on this one! I love Sarah's art! Visit her at http://rowenleaf.blogspot.com/
Crystal at http://funkyfiaryshoppe.blogspot.com. I love everything she makes! Her handmade incense is amazing! I made her logo for her shop & I'm thrilled that she aksed! Thanks Crystal! On top of that, she's a great friend & I'm very blessed that she's part of my life.
Phoenix Springwater at http://phoenixspringwater.blogspot.com/. I love her work & she's an amazing friend! She's inspired me more than once to get my art out there. We buy & trade eachother's art. Her painting, The Dreaming Tree, graces my guest bedroom.
Szarka at http://www.szarka.blogspot.com/. I love her work! She makes amazing jewelry & she's a really interesting person on top of that. I buy a lot of my beads through her. Beautiful beads!