Thursday, April 2, 2009

April In Idaho

Days like today I wonder if Spring & Summer will ever really get here. I don't think I can remember a time when we had snow in April. One year we did have snow on the Spring Equinox. And one Summer it may as well have been October...I was wearing July. That Summer it rained & I actually remember a day where it was 40 degrees. That was back in the 90's.

We ran out of wood last week. Tony went up to my folks property to get more.


Sarah Sullivan said...

LOL - can you believe it!! I posted pics too!! Oh I love me a wood stove!!! Hugs, Sarah

Crafted by Bairbre Aine said...

Oh my.
I wish I could have a time living in the snow again.
I enjoy the weather where I live.
However, your fire and thoughts of flannel pjs really makes me home sick!
Keep yourself warm, won't you?

Crafted by Bairbre Aine said...

I've given you an AWARD!
Happy weekend.
Bairbre Aine

Linda S. Socha said...

BRRR Hard to belive ..all that snow in April? We are finally having some wonderful days here...just not enough of them yet...Sending you warm warm thoughts