A couple times a week we drive by the Rocket Bakery on Argonne. It always looks so warm & inviting through the windows...we promise ourselves that we'll check it out one of these days when we aren't in such a hurry. That day came May 20th.
Just the two of us...a rainy day.......A new ordinary adventure...we'd talk about my upcoming art show & what we'd do the rest of our day while leisurely sipping hot coffee & nibbling on pastries...Sounds romantic doesn't it?
I wish I could say that the Rocket Bakery lived up to my expectations...After all, they have been voted the best bakery in Spokane 5 times. However, I was quite dissapointed.
I ordered a Soy Cappicino & a Tripple Berry Scone. The Soy Cappicino tasted more like it had milk in it that soy, which I could live with...The scone however, was a entirely different story. I pulled it in half expecting to find more berries in the middle...there was not one berry on the inside of that scone. There were berries on the outside of the scone...so I counted them...SIX...yep SIX berries on the Tripple Berry Scone. Maybe it's just me, but I expect berries all through a scone. Seriously. Trying to make the best out of the situation, I ignored my annoyance with the berries & tasted the scone...I was even more dissapointed. The scone had very little taste to it...definately not the best scone I've ever had. It was not even good enough to nibble on...Why shove a pastry in my mouth that lacks any kind of guilty pleasure? It's not worth the extra calories & the extra chub on my thighs as a result.
Tony ordered a White Chocolate Mocha with whip & a Frosted Cinnamon Roll. The White Chocolate Mocha with whip was seriously lacking. First off, we couldn't distinguish which coffee was which. The Mocha did not taste sweet or like any kind of white chocolate. Finally Tony had to go ask which was which. The Frosted Cinnamon Roll was equally unimpressive. Tony described it as ok, but not memorable. It was just a basic cinnamon roll...the kind you get from the grocery store. He's a guy though, so the extra calories & chubby thighs were not a deterent to him, so he ate the whole thing.
We probably won't go back, unless we become curious & want to see if this was a one time event. I mean they have been voted best bakery in Spokane 5 times...& everyone has an off day now & then. However, as of today the thought of going back is rather unappealing. I'd rather try a different coffee place. A couple of good things I do have to say though is that their staff was very friendly & their bathrooms were clean & nicely decorated.
Welcome to Karny Life! I bet you're wondering what the heck Karny Life is. My name is Karmen & my husbands name is Tony. We took KAR from my name & NY from his name & came up with Karny. We'll be sharing our regular life adventures like day trips, home decorating, movie & restaurant reviews, favorite recipies, & whatever else comes up. So stay tuned & come back often to see what we've been up to. Life is an adventure! There are suprises to be discovered around every corner. Live with Passion!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fairy Sisterhood

Mother's Day
I am definately behind in my blogging duties here at Karny Life! Life at the Karny household has been super busy! I'd like to get things caught up around here...stay tuned & it will all get here sooner or later.
For Mother's Day my beautiful daughter got me these flowers. It is such a splurge for me! It's rare that I get flowers from the store...usually I buy plants or herbs & then grow lots of flowers in the yard for arrangements...after all the Karny household is on a budget these days.
Then we dyed eachothers hair...My daughter went darker & I did the same ol' thing...dark. Then we were going to put colored steaks in our hair...Now that's a whole other story...so stay tuned for, 'The Dream & The Nightmare of Purple Hair', in the future.
We went & visited my Mom for a bit...I gave her the Gorgeously Green book & a Chico bag, along with some tulips from my yard. And that's pretty much it for our Mother's Day around here.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Standing Women: May 11, 2008
Standing Women will stand again on May 11, 2008, 1 pm local time.
May 11 is fast approaching. We hope you will stand with us again this year and please register your standing site by clicking on the "tell us where you will stand" link on the website: http://www.standingwomen.org.
Last May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, in 75 countries and on all continents of the world stood together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they could find to stand in a global wave of humanity in support of a better world for our children.
We invite women and their families everywhere to take this "stand" with us again, on May 11 at 1 p.m. local time for just 5 minutes, to rekindle the world with our common vision.
We stand for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them. We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat. A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies. A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence-in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world. This is the world of which we dream. This is the cause for which we stand.
To learn more and register your standing, go to the Standing Women website at www.standingwomen.org
May 11 is fast approaching. We hope you will stand with us again this year and please register your standing site by clicking on the "tell us where you will stand" link on the website: http://www.standingwomen.org.
Last May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, in 75 countries and on all continents of the world stood together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they could find to stand in a global wave of humanity in support of a better world for our children.
We invite women and their families everywhere to take this "stand" with us again, on May 11 at 1 p.m. local time for just 5 minutes, to rekindle the world with our common vision.
We stand for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them. We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat. A world where they have access to a basic education to develop their minds and healthcare to nurture their growing bodies. A world where they have a warm, safe and loving place to call home. A world where they don't live in fear of violence-in their home, in their neighborhood, in their school or in their world. This is the world of which we dream. This is the cause for which we stand.
To learn more and register your standing, go to the Standing Women website at www.standingwomen.org
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
from The Ascension Primer (www.whatsuponplanetearth.com)
16. Night sweats and hot flashes. During certain phases of ascension
our bodies suddenly decide that they are going to burn off the lower
and denser aspects of ourselves. You may wake up in the night soaking
wet or become very hot during the day. It may be 35 degrees outside,
but you are just fine and dandy in your short sleeves.
17. Feeling cold with an inability to get warm.
When we are moving into a much higher dimension after much
integrating, detoxing, and other ascension processes, we get very
cold. We are in between and preparing to move up. At these times, it
can be very difficult to warm up no matter what you do. I usually
submerge myself in a tub of hot water and then get under a heavy
18. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams.
We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through
our dreams. If you are one who usually receives their higher
information through dreams, you will most likely do a lot of
releasing at night. I consider you to be lucky, as some are doing
much of their releasing while they are wide awake. These dreams
usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you
can usually figure them out. These acid-trip like dreams are up and
visible because they contain energy that is on its' way out, never to
Through this process, we are releasing all of our past lives.
19. Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning. The definition
of Merkabah is: Counter rotating fields of light surrounding the
spirit/body which serve to transport the spirit/body from one
dimension to another. And this is precisely what is occurring. As we
connect to our light bodies and begin moving into a higher dimension,
we begin spinning and can experience vertigo and dizziness. If you
know that this symptom indicates that something wonderful is
occurring, it can feel great and actually be quite fun...like a
roller coaster ride.
20. Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue. Our bodies are
morphing into a crystalline form in order to enable us to reside in
the higher realms and to continually be able to receive the higher
This process is on-going as it cannot happen overnight.
If you feel as though you are 100 years old and barely able to walk
across a room, this is why. Continual fatigue is also an on-going
symptom for the same reasons. We are losing our density and going
through extreme restructuring.
21. Severe bloating and indigestion. When the energy surges occur,
many experience severe bloating as they are greatly expanding. This
can be on-going but is intermittent.
22. Memory loss and difficulty accessing words. So many are having
this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each
other. "I was having a glass of...you know what I mean...that white
stuff...uh...what's it called?" "Did you watch the...er...that event
where everyone competes from around the world?" At times we cannot
even talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of
anything. When this occurs, you are going back and forth between
dimensions and experiencing a disconnect. Another somewhat related
occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become
jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment
with time and our flow is disconnected as part of our energy is here
and another part is further ahead.
23. Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or
sometimes just an hour before. In the higher realms, reality is very
much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness,
it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating
our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we
do not hold onto does not exist. Everything is brand new as we are
starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever
we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This
state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher
realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at
times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.
This phenomenon can occur at this time as well.
24. Not remembering the meaning of
anything. When I was in an intense period of the transitional process
and we were in the throws of a substantial energy thrust into the
higher realms, I remember looking at a trashcan and not knowing what
it was for. I had to access my memory of the "old" and reach far.
What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where
everything possesses only the meaning and identity that we give it.
In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning.
All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course In Miracles undoing process,
without the trying.
25. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of
a sense of place. "Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and
nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where
I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing
either!" Ever had this conversation with the universe? You have been
knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between
realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very
new space but have not integrated yet. You won't have much time to
integrate, though, because as soon as you get comfortable you will be
moving on into the next higher vibrating space.
And in addition, the outside world does not remotely match the way
you are now highly vibrating.
26. A loss of identity. You look in the mirror and have a strange
feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar
image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it
never ends.
You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer
the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to
your physical vessel. As you begin to access much more of your soul
or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your
voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly
beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form.
In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are now
embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you.
All is in order...you are OK.
27. Feeling "out of body". The same explanation as above. The
physical body is the last to catch up.
Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our
bodies, as our bodies are not there yet.
They are much denser.
28. "Seeing" and "hearing" things. As we can now access different
dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things moving
out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there.
Many also experience a ringing in the ears, which is common when we
are going through "the tunnel" and accessing a higher dimension.
Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can
become a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs
of color as well.
29. Heightened sensitivities to your
surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices, and
various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm
very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up! Know
that this will eventually pass. During the ascension process we
become highly sensitive. At one point, I could literally feel the
vibration of the chicken when I tried to eat an egg. In addition, you
may find that you are unable to eat in restaurants or be in a store
and feel like running out of them as fast as you can.
30. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental
illness of some sort. We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions
and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not
used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are
gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like
you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
31. Feeling as though you are looking down a long tunnel in order to
connect to lower vibrations; feeling as though you are acting or
pretending. When we are residing in the higher realms, anything not
there with us may feel far away.
If you are still in a lifestyle where you are regularly interacting
with the outside or old world, you may feel like an actor in a play
or that you are pretending your way through the day. Basically, you
are no longer residing in that world, even though you are still
involved in it.
32. An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D) reflected
in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities,
etc. They literally make you feel "sick" inside. When we begin
arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies
are no longer in alignment with the old outside 3D world. Through a
severe intolerance to the old, we are being "pushed" to move
forward...to be and create the New. In addition, you may feel like
staying home or just being alone as much of everything "out there" no
longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very
common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the
outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright
awful. It is similar to having to "go back" after you have had a near
death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to
the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for
long, as it is difficult to drop our vibrations down in order to
reside there. This is a simple experience of navigating the
dimensional hierarchies. We will eventually become experts with our
dimensional navigational skills.
33. You don't feel like doing anything. When we feel like this, we
are in a rest period, rebooting.
Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as
though you have lost your passion and joy and don't know what in the
world you want to do with your life and don't really care! This phase
occurs when we are realigning. At higher levels, much is realigning
as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready
when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the
higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the
New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating,
self-care, and nurturing. Ask the Universe to bring you what you want
while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always
being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not
feel like it at times. Those in the physical going through this
process are very highly revered by all of the cosmos. We are most
certainly being watched over.
34. A wanting to go "home" as if everything is OVER and you don't
belong here anymore. As we are returning to Source, everything is
over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New
World.) Also, our old plans for coming have been completed. We are
basically done with our prior incarnation that involved raising the
frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We
achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser
energies through ourselves. Now we don't have to do that anymore and
may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that
experience. What is coming next is simply divine and does not
remotely resemble the first phase.
35. A sudden disappearance of friends,
activities, habits, jobs and residences. One of the most basic and
prevalent experiences in the higher realms involves the Law of
Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies.
This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always
be matched with what and how we are vibrating. As we go higher and
higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes
one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the
ascension process, we are evolving beyond what we used to be, and
therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our
vibration simply leave our space. This can sometimes occur rather
dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from an
inability to relate to them like we used to. When an energy shift
occurs, it can feel as though a bomb has been dropped and everything
in our world has been scattered from here to there. Eventually we
realign with the New. When the New arrives, you will feel so-oo- o
much better!
36. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to
do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. Same
as above. You are no longer a fit and it's time to move on to a much
higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.
37. Your plans suddenly change in midstream and go in a completely
different direction.
When this occurs, your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually
feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you
do! Your soul is breaking your rut choices and vibration. Our souls
always know more than we do. During January of 2006, we experienced
what I dubbed "ascension shock". At higher soul levels we had a
specific plan and timeline. If we were a bit behind, we ended up
experiencing our pre-plan whether we were ready or not. This placed
us in sudden and immediate new circumstances so that we would be
poised for what we needed to do next. I remember suddenly relocating
from Flagstaff, Arizona to a remote small town in Northeastern
Arizona. I new I would be residing there one day, but not yet! As
time passed, I could eventually see how perfect it was, but following
my soul and not my ego was a bit of a challenge. Now I am eternally
grateful and in total bliss."
To access the newest energy alert, kindly click on the link below or
go directly to the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site and access the
newest energy alert page.
May the offerings from What's Up On Planet Earth? serve to light your
path, validate your experience, and remind you that we are all one.
Thank you for your continued interest and happy reading!
16. Night sweats and hot flashes. During certain phases of ascension
our bodies suddenly decide that they are going to burn off the lower
and denser aspects of ourselves. You may wake up in the night soaking
wet or become very hot during the day. It may be 35 degrees outside,
but you are just fine and dandy in your short sleeves.
17. Feeling cold with an inability to get warm.
When we are moving into a much higher dimension after much
integrating, detoxing, and other ascension processes, we get very
cold. We are in between and preparing to move up. At these times, it
can be very difficult to warm up no matter what you do. I usually
submerge myself in a tub of hot water and then get under a heavy
18. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams.
We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through
our dreams. If you are one who usually receives their higher
information through dreams, you will most likely do a lot of
releasing at night. I consider you to be lucky, as some are doing
much of their releasing while they are wide awake. These dreams
usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you
can usually figure them out. These acid-trip like dreams are up and
visible because they contain energy that is on its' way out, never to
Through this process, we are releasing all of our past lives.
19. Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning. The definition
of Merkabah is: Counter rotating fields of light surrounding the
spirit/body which serve to transport the spirit/body from one
dimension to another. And this is precisely what is occurring. As we
connect to our light bodies and begin moving into a higher dimension,
we begin spinning and can experience vertigo and dizziness. If you
know that this symptom indicates that something wonderful is
occurring, it can feel great and actually be quite fun...like a
roller coaster ride.
20. Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue. Our bodies are
morphing into a crystalline form in order to enable us to reside in
the higher realms and to continually be able to receive the higher
This process is on-going as it cannot happen overnight.
If you feel as though you are 100 years old and barely able to walk
across a room, this is why. Continual fatigue is also an on-going
symptom for the same reasons. We are losing our density and going
through extreme restructuring.
21. Severe bloating and indigestion. When the energy surges occur,
many experience severe bloating as they are greatly expanding. This
can be on-going but is intermittent.
22. Memory loss and difficulty accessing words. So many are having
this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each
other. "I was having a glass of...you know what I mean...that white
stuff...uh...what's it called?" "Did you watch the...er...that event
where everyone competes from around the world?" At times we cannot
even talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of
anything. When this occurs, you are going back and forth between
dimensions and experiencing a disconnect. Another somewhat related
occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become
jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment
with time and our flow is disconnected as part of our energy is here
and another part is further ahead.
23. Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or
sometimes just an hour before. In the higher realms, reality is very
much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness,
it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating
our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we
do not hold onto does not exist. Everything is brand new as we are
starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever
we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This
state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher
realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at
times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.
This phenomenon can occur at this time as well.
24. Not remembering the meaning of
anything. When I was in an intense period of the transitional process
and we were in the throws of a substantial energy thrust into the
higher realms, I remember looking at a trashcan and not knowing what
it was for. I had to access my memory of the "old" and reach far.
What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where
everything possesses only the meaning and identity that we give it.
In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning.
All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course In Miracles undoing process,
without the trying.
25. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of
a sense of place. "Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and
nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where
I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing
either!" Ever had this conversation with the universe? You have been
knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between
realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very
new space but have not integrated yet. You won't have much time to
integrate, though, because as soon as you get comfortable you will be
moving on into the next higher vibrating space.
And in addition, the outside world does not remotely match the way
you are now highly vibrating.
26. A loss of identity. You look in the mirror and have a strange
feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar
image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it
never ends.
You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer
the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to
your physical vessel. As you begin to access much more of your soul
or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your
voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly
beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form.
In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are now
embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you.
All is in order...you are OK.
27. Feeling "out of body". The same explanation as above. The
physical body is the last to catch up.
Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our
bodies, as our bodies are not there yet.
They are much denser.
28. "Seeing" and "hearing" things. As we can now access different
dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things moving
out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there.
Many also experience a ringing in the ears, which is common when we
are going through "the tunnel" and accessing a higher dimension.
Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can
become a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs
of color as well.
29. Heightened sensitivities to your
surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices, and
various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm
very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up! Know
that this will eventually pass. During the ascension process we
become highly sensitive. At one point, I could literally feel the
vibration of the chicken when I tried to eat an egg. In addition, you
may find that you are unable to eat in restaurants or be in a store
and feel like running out of them as fast as you can.
30. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental
illness of some sort. We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions
and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not
used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are
gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like
you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
31. Feeling as though you are looking down a long tunnel in order to
connect to lower vibrations; feeling as though you are acting or
pretending. When we are residing in the higher realms, anything not
there with us may feel far away.
If you are still in a lifestyle where you are regularly interacting
with the outside or old world, you may feel like an actor in a play
or that you are pretending your way through the day. Basically, you
are no longer residing in that world, even though you are still
involved in it.
32. An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D) reflected
in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities,
etc. They literally make you feel "sick" inside. When we begin
arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies
are no longer in alignment with the old outside 3D world. Through a
severe intolerance to the old, we are being "pushed" to move
forward...to be and create the New. In addition, you may feel like
staying home or just being alone as much of everything "out there" no
longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very
common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the
outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright
awful. It is similar to having to "go back" after you have had a near
death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to
the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for
long, as it is difficult to drop our vibrations down in order to
reside there. This is a simple experience of navigating the
dimensional hierarchies. We will eventually become experts with our
dimensional navigational skills.
33. You don't feel like doing anything. When we feel like this, we
are in a rest period, rebooting.
Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as
though you have lost your passion and joy and don't know what in the
world you want to do with your life and don't really care! This phase
occurs when we are realigning. At higher levels, much is realigning
as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready
when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the
higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the
New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating,
self-care, and nurturing. Ask the Universe to bring you what you want
while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always
being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not
feel like it at times. Those in the physical going through this
process are very highly revered by all of the cosmos. We are most
certainly being watched over.
34. A wanting to go "home" as if everything is OVER and you don't
belong here anymore. As we are returning to Source, everything is
over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New
World.) Also, our old plans for coming have been completed. We are
basically done with our prior incarnation that involved raising the
frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We
achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser
energies through ourselves. Now we don't have to do that anymore and
may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that
experience. What is coming next is simply divine and does not
remotely resemble the first phase.
35. A sudden disappearance of friends,
activities, habits, jobs and residences. One of the most basic and
prevalent experiences in the higher realms involves the Law of
Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies.
This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always
be matched with what and how we are vibrating. As we go higher and
higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes
one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the
ascension process, we are evolving beyond what we used to be, and
therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our
vibration simply leave our space. This can sometimes occur rather
dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from an
inability to relate to them like we used to. When an energy shift
occurs, it can feel as though a bomb has been dropped and everything
in our world has been scattered from here to there. Eventually we
realign with the New. When the New arrives, you will feel so-oo- o
much better!
36. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to
do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. Same
as above. You are no longer a fit and it's time to move on to a much
higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.
37. Your plans suddenly change in midstream and go in a completely
different direction.
When this occurs, your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually
feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you
do! Your soul is breaking your rut choices and vibration. Our souls
always know more than we do. During January of 2006, we experienced
what I dubbed "ascension shock". At higher soul levels we had a
specific plan and timeline. If we were a bit behind, we ended up
experiencing our pre-plan whether we were ready or not. This placed
us in sudden and immediate new circumstances so that we would be
poised for what we needed to do next. I remember suddenly relocating
from Flagstaff, Arizona to a remote small town in Northeastern
Arizona. I new I would be residing there one day, but not yet! As
time passed, I could eventually see how perfect it was, but following
my soul and not my ego was a bit of a challenge. Now I am eternally
grateful and in total bliss."
To access the newest energy alert, kindly click on the link below or
go directly to the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site and access the
newest energy alert page.
May the offerings from What's Up On Planet Earth? serve to light your
path, validate your experience, and remind you that we are all one.
Thank you for your continued interest and happy reading!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Lessons of, "Those People".
The situation & the person who said this is not important to this story, so I will not elaborate on it much. The important part is what was said about me & my dearest friends. A person made a comment that they didn't like "those kind of people"...apparently intended as a put down, at least if felt like one at the time.
At first I was upset by this...I was hurt & offended...& the more I thought about it the more hurt & offended I became. Then I tried putting myself in the other persons shoes...perhaps they were struggling with their life or there were issues that I'm not aware of. I came to realize that this statement has very little to do with what kind of person I am. This wasn't a reflection of who I am or anything I did or didn't do. I had to ask myself why was I so hurt & offended...What was it in me that was being triggered? I needed to take a good hard look at myself & see if I have that same attitude towards others. So then I asked my higher self, "What's the lesson in this? What's the lesson in "Those People...?" Actually there ended up being a couple of lessons.
Yes, I guess I have had the attitude of "Those People". So then I had to ask myself, why? I guess it comes down to ego & judgment. If I feel lacking or less than as a person then it's much easier for me to lash out at someone else who I've deemed less than me...rather that taking the responsibility to fix my own issues that make me feel less than. And it doesn't serve anyone to hold on to this belief...it's brings my energy down even more than it does the person I was trying to put down...because really truly I am actually saying that about myself, which makes me even more less than as a person. It creates a viscous cycle, does not uplift & fulfill anyone, & is actually the act of casting negative energy against yourself. Learning this about myself is very empowering. I will set aside my ego & judgments to become more tolerant of people. I also gained insight into this persons actions. Now I feel compassion for this person & have found forgiveness in my heart for their actions. I'm a little sad for them too & send them prayers for peace in their heart & life.
"Those People", separates us...all of us. It says that a person is less than because they are different, whether it's because of their gender, sexuality, race, nationality, culture, religion, beliefs, or just the way they look. "Those People", has divided people, caused wars, created hate & suffering...Think of Hitler, The Burning Times, The Spanish Inquisition, Iraq, Darfur, Tibet, the way that the Native Americans & African Americans have been & continue to be treated. The list of examples could go on & on. "Those People" has created a lot of evil in the world. And sadly, "Those People" has separated us from our own communities, neighbors, & even owr own family members.
"Those People" are just like you. "Those People" are someone's mother, father, daughter, son, child, grandchild, grandmother, grandfather, friend. "Those People" are important & loved by the people in their life. "Those People" breathe, love, dream, struggle, suffer, feel joy & pain. "Those People" want their children to be safe & healthy. "Those People" just want to get through their day & have a little peace at the end of it. When we think of it like that, we all are "Those People" and we are no longer different & no longer separate.
In closing, I offer up a sincere prayer of gratitude to this individual & the Universe for creating the opportunity for me to learn this lesson. It has touched my heart & enriched my life in many unexpected ways. There is much Beauty found within this, that would have otherwise remained hidden to me.
At first I was upset by this...I was hurt & offended...& the more I thought about it the more hurt & offended I became. Then I tried putting myself in the other persons shoes...perhaps they were struggling with their life or there were issues that I'm not aware of. I came to realize that this statement has very little to do with what kind of person I am. This wasn't a reflection of who I am or anything I did or didn't do. I had to ask myself why was I so hurt & offended...What was it in me that was being triggered? I needed to take a good hard look at myself & see if I have that same attitude towards others. So then I asked my higher self, "What's the lesson in this? What's the lesson in "Those People...?" Actually there ended up being a couple of lessons.
Yes, I guess I have had the attitude of "Those People". So then I had to ask myself, why? I guess it comes down to ego & judgment. If I feel lacking or less than as a person then it's much easier for me to lash out at someone else who I've deemed less than me...rather that taking the responsibility to fix my own issues that make me feel less than. And it doesn't serve anyone to hold on to this belief...it's brings my energy down even more than it does the person I was trying to put down...because really truly I am actually saying that about myself, which makes me even more less than as a person. It creates a viscous cycle, does not uplift & fulfill anyone, & is actually the act of casting negative energy against yourself. Learning this about myself is very empowering. I will set aside my ego & judgments to become more tolerant of people. I also gained insight into this persons actions. Now I feel compassion for this person & have found forgiveness in my heart for their actions. I'm a little sad for them too & send them prayers for peace in their heart & life.
"Those People", separates us...all of us. It says that a person is less than because they are different, whether it's because of their gender, sexuality, race, nationality, culture, religion, beliefs, or just the way they look. "Those People", has divided people, caused wars, created hate & suffering...Think of Hitler, The Burning Times, The Spanish Inquisition, Iraq, Darfur, Tibet, the way that the Native Americans & African Americans have been & continue to be treated. The list of examples could go on & on. "Those People" has created a lot of evil in the world. And sadly, "Those People" has separated us from our own communities, neighbors, & even owr own family members.
"Those People" are just like you. "Those People" are someone's mother, father, daughter, son, child, grandchild, grandmother, grandfather, friend. "Those People" are important & loved by the people in their life. "Those People" breathe, love, dream, struggle, suffer, feel joy & pain. "Those People" want their children to be safe & healthy. "Those People" just want to get through their day & have a little peace at the end of it. When we think of it like that, we all are "Those People" and we are no longer different & no longer separate.
In closing, I offer up a sincere prayer of gratitude to this individual & the Universe for creating the opportunity for me to learn this lesson. It has touched my heart & enriched my life in many unexpected ways. There is much Beauty found within this, that would have otherwise remained hidden to me.
Sharing Our Unique Beauty

And if you're not an artist...the above applies to whatever it is that tugs at your heart & sings in your soul too. Don't be afriad to share it with the world! You may make the difference that the world needs.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Karny Garden
Well, this year we decided to be more self sustaining (& to stop being lazy about it) sooooooo viva la garden! That book I was telling you about (eairler post), Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano is partly to blame for the whole thing. She challenges readers to plant something of a garden...even if it's just a window box or a pot of patio tomatoes. Plus, it was actually really handly to just walk out to the garden & pick some food for dinner without having to run to the store. It really is a convienience...& now I'm thinking of the gas I'm saving by not having to run to the store!
Last week we went in search of plants & seeds for our garden...we bought both seeds & plants. Hopefully this week we are getting started with some things. Some of the seeds say to plant as soon as the ground is workable & others say after all danger of frost. Mom tells me that my Grandmother always said not to plant if there was still snow in the mountains. We'll see if that proves true or not. We're going to garden by the Moon so I bought a handy little gardening almanac which says the best time to plant is going to be May 8 & 9 and May 15 & 16.
OH, I almost forgot! Some of the herbs I bought were organic & came in these really cool pots that are made from rice hulls! And here's the part that just makes me SO delighted....they are compostable! How cool is that? Take a peek...
Until next time...Run outside & catch some sun shine!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Just Notice
The next day I picked up my order & took it home. I took everything out of the paper bag...not only was there my 9 printed pages (which were quite lovely), but all the packaging stuff from the print shop. There was: the brown paper bag with stickers, a skicky note (that my order had been checked), a customer service post card, three 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper (a checklist of proceedures), one 11 x 17 sheet of paper that had been used as a folder of sorts which had advertising for the print shop, 1 sample note pad, & of course the reciept.
Now this is not a comment on the print shop & thier service was very good. However, now that we are working on being more green, I'm noticing more & more all of the packaging that there is when we buy things. I was just so supprized that there would be so much paper for some color copies. In the future I will definately use my home printer, which makes great copies all on it's own & I'll be saving a few trees in the process.
Just start noticing how much packaging is with the things you purchase. How much of it is there? What's it made of? Can it be recycled? Is there an alternitive option with less packaging (like buying lettuce not wrapped in plastic)? And it's not that you have to change your choices, but maybe when you just stop & notice like I did, maybe you will choose differently...& if you decide not to worry about it, that's ok too...we all make changes in our own time. Just notice.
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